Selling In Turbulent Times When there is uncertainty in any market, there is a danger that people reduce their spending. As a salesper... Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotion of othe... Conflict Management Those who embrace conflict can build understanding and better relationships—and experience greater personal... The Sales MAGNET™ Sales Magnet™ is defined by 6 straight forward learning steps that enables representatives and their teams to engage in high-level sales Professional Selling Skills This sales training course covers the entire sales process, from your first prospecting call to closing the... Sales Success Seminar Sales Success Seminar is a comprehensive, provocative and perspective shifting program that takes an integr... Compelling Sales Presentations This workshop is a must for any sales professional who wants to increase close rates through more effective... Retail Sales And Service Enthusiast Unlike other Sales and Service Training Program, this program takes a constructive approach, by taking in a... Creating Superior Service Culture Creating Superior Service Culture will give you the competitive advantage you need to survive in a tough an... Essential Negotiation Skills This module, which focuses provides a robust framework that can be applied to all negotiations. Participant... Corporate Grooming & Etique... Overcome any fears holding you back and start living the life you desire at Breakthrough Performance Seminar. Mastering Negotiations Using FOCUS Methodology™ Mastering negotiations using FOCUS™ methodology is an interactive & fast paced workshop which covers all major aspects. The Service WHEEL™ Ensuring your internal and external customers are having positive experiences with each other is crucial for the success. Learning Minds Related Blogs Key Driving Factors For Retail Businesses To Increase Revenue February 2, 2022 Read more FIVE POWERFUL TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR NEGOTIATION SKILLS January 31, 2022 Read more