Mastering Relationships Using 5c Framework™

Course Overview

5C Framework™ is the answer to all the relationship challenges at the workplace. This exclusive course will provide learners with an understanding of building credibility, having impactful conversations, conflict management, cultivating relationships and collaborations.

Key Benefits:

  • Build credibility and rapport with your co-workers
  • Develop a better understanding of why certain conversations are so challenging, why you avoid them, and what consequences you face by not mastering this skill.
  • Identify warning signs and prevent or minimize conflicts and situations before they even start
  • Take responsibility for the success of these situations by preparing in advance and focusing on the desired outcomes.
  • Get to the root cause of problems and prevent resentment from lingering and conflicts from re-occurring
  • Utilize proven techniques for effective communication and approaching the conversation
  • Develop ethical reciprocity patterns and use them to get results
  • Collaborate & win together

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