By Syeda Zauwia Riaz, Manager Corporate Communications & PR – Learning Minds
How is happiness a choice, you may ask. If someone treats you badly or when something unfortunate happens to you and you’re bombarded with pain, how do you choose to be happy? Most of us feel this way, don’t we?
Throughout our lives, we find ourselves struggling to find this elusive thing called happiness but many of us do not have any idea how to find it. Most days we either feel overwhelmed, anxious, angry, depressed or empty. We can remember our happy times, but they seem distant. Why is that so?
While we may find it hard to be happy when times are rough, you’d agree that the the wisest, most loving, and brilliant people you have ever met are likely those who have known misery, seen failure, known the heartbreak of losing something or someone they loved, and have found their way out of the depths of their own despair.
There is a lot of power in realizing that we are in charge of our own happiness. We need to come to terms to the fact that no matter how hard we try or how carefully we plan, things are not always going to work our way.
There will be times when you’ll feel like there is no way out and they will challenge everything you have ever known about being happy. In fact, when you’re in trenches, someone telling you to be happy may be the last thing you want to hear. But it is being able to find that spark, that light, that one thing you could hold on to that will allow you to see the good up ahead, lighting your way through the dark.
Truth be told, when hard times hit, and the challenges you face are great, you can either let your situation destroy you or let it strengthen you. The choice is yours to make.
“Sometimes life gets weird. Hang in there, it gets better.” Tanner Patrick
Remember, happiness is about choosing to understand that there is always light after the dark, that everything happens for a reason and that things will eventually fall back into place. You just have to trust the process.
Choose Happiness, Live your Life to the Fullest!
#Happiness #Happy #YOLO #YouOnlyLiveOnce #IChooseHappiness