By Team Learning Minds
Whether you are trying to impress your manager or struggling for a promotion, it’s always hard to say NO to more work. After all, you want everyone to see you as hard working, competent, and flexible. Unfortunately, every new project you agree to take on comes with a sharp deadline -and before you know it, you already see yourself drowning.
When you feel like you are bombarded with projects and you are just not able to give your best, take action to get a handle on your work and take a break so you can keep working to the best of your abilities.
Here are 5 ways to manage workload when you are overwhelmed with a long to-d0 list.
- Create a Schedule
Keep a master schedule of all the deadline you need to meet. By setting up a calendar, you can see everything at one place which will help you prioritize your time and get to know what’s coming up, days and weeks in advance. But let’s just not stop there – they key is to break your projects into mini goals which becomes easier to achieve. These mini goals help you bust through tough projects and stay on track.
- Stay Alert
Planning your work is only half the battle – the other half is executing those tasks on time. If you are not in the habit of checking your schedule daily, then set up pop-ups / alarms on your desktop and phone as a quick reminder to your goal.
- Organize It
It’s very important to keep your assignments organized and separated, especially when you are working on multiple projects at a time and you can’t stop the flow of emails coming in.
This is when folders and color-coding your inbox saves your life in finding information when you need it.
- Stay Up to Date
Give yourself few minutes before leaving work in the evening. Look back at your daily schedule and update it. In case some tasks are left, schedule them for the next day or next block of time. This exercise helps you gauge how much time you really need to spend on a particular task.
- Talk about Sharing
If you think that some of your mini goals aren’t getting done because there is not enough time and because other projects are taking priority, or because new responsibilities keep landing on your desk, you may talk to your supervisor about redistributing some of your work. Take for example running a social media campaign. If you fail to do so due to lack of time, you can either delegate the task to a colleague or ask your supervisor to hire an agency like The Marketing Heaven to take care of the campaign, so you can have enough time to work on other projects.
If you have a clear idea about what needs to be done and by what time, your supervisor can easily see how much workload you have. Then, together, you can determine tasks that are urgent and tasks that can wait.
Finally, remind yourself – it will all get done. Best of Luck!