5 Ways to Boost The Level of Employee Self-Confidence At Workplace

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By Team Learning Minds

There seems to be a confidence crisis at workplaces these days. A few days ago, a co-worker told me that her boss had given her the responsibility of a big project. When asked what it was about, it felt as if she wasn’t so sure herself and felt like she wasn’t qualified enough to deal with such a task. She said she felt asking too many questions from her boss would land her in the self-proclaimed category of ‘stupid’.

It is evident from this real-life example that there are gaps in the self-efficacy of employees, as well as in the communication between leaders and employees at workplaces. These gaps can prove to be damaging towards the level of confidence and productivity of employees. A research by Feel Good Contact Lenses on British employees shows that other confidence related issues at work are employees being afraid of putting own ideas forward (32%), client meetings (29%) or working closely with a supervisor on a daily basis (27%).

Thus, no matter how intelligent and capable your employees are, if they lack the belief that they can do anything, voice their concerns and make an impact, they will not perform in alignment with their potential. Self-confidence is the key to success and enhances the eagerness and ability of an employee to lead. Confidence cannot be taught; however, being a manager, you can establish initiatives that encourage confidence and self-assurance.

Here are 5 ways through which you can increase the level of employee self-confidence at your workplace.

  • Be Respectful

Treat your employees like valued human beings whose efforts bring about meaningful work and success for the organization. Establish connections with them, listen to what they are saying and corroborate that with their body language.

  • Help Them In Being Vocal

As a manager, notice and praise your employees’ best skills, ideas and successes, and have them share them with the rest of the team. This instills assurance in them and their abilities and gives them the courage to be vocal.

  • Mistakes Are Opportunities To Learn

Even the smallest blunders will have a huge hit on the faith of the employees in themselves. Help these employees realize that mistakes are learning opportunities and should not be overthought. Teach them to take ownership of their errors and use them to identify areas of improvement.

  • Be Specific

Be aware of how you delegate tasks to employees who have low self-belief. Provide them with additional details, tools, past history and the boundaries on how to get the job done. This will aid them in comfortably accomplishing goals and decrease their anxiety.

  • Train and Educate Them

Continuously train and educate your employees via formal trainings, workshops or seminars to increase their knowledge and hone their skills. They will gradually possess poise and assertiveness. Moreover, it will strengthen their strengths and increase their self-reliance. Thus, a positive and accomplished workforce will emerge who would take on tasks head on.

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