By Team Learning Minds
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” – Aristotle
Employee work dynamics have changed globally for all organizations. From individual networking to collaborating in teams, the corporate world has transformed its needs and all organizations are grappling to transform with it.
Building a successful team is more than just finding people with the right professional skills; it’s about amalgamating each individual with the organization’s vision, goals, culture and other team members. Moreover, organizations are required to enhance their performance management systems to measure and sustain the effectiveness of the created teams.
All of this may seem daunting; nevertheless, these 5 steps will provide you with some insight and help to kickstart this process.
- Create a Powerful Team –This day and age calls for proactive recruiting to search for the finest job candidates to fill in any employee gaps that may prop up. This helps the organization select candidates who are well suited for the job and provides a team of strong employees.
- Map It Out –This step requires managers to set the direction and goals for the team. Include the team members in this process to boost their commitment and satisfaction towards work. This helps the team understand what is expected of them and assists in aligning themselves with the vision of the organization.
- Build The Culture –Ensure that the individuals at work and the culture have been unified. Reinforce the mission, ethics and values of the organization frequently. This provides teams with a sense of belonging, purpose, and a shared goal to work towards. Also, it makes their work feel more valuable as it contributes to something meaningful.
- Foster Good Communication –Guarantee that team members understand the priority of their tasks and are clear about the rules of accountability for successes and failures. Moreover, encourage empathetic listening, self-regulation through feedback from others, and sharing of ideas between members.
- Manage Performance Efficiently –Provide regular and honest feedback to your teams in order to keep them updated about their progress and shortcomings. Offer praise and constructive criticism to boost their confidence and improve performance along the way. This aids team members redirect themselves towards work targets.
If you wish to learn more about empowering the teams at your organization, bring our course on ‘Building High Performance Teams’ in-house, and find out how you can develop your teams and keep them on track.